Harrow Quest Funny Writing on Wall Meme

Laugh out loud and enjoy reading funny jokes about writers

A man making a funny face

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

These memes are the reality of all writers no matter whether you are starting out or already have years of experience. I hope this will bring a little happiness as these are thoughts we all can relate to. I am pointing out a few little things we all go through in an assortment of memes — writer memes that dictate the real back story for all of us.

As research says, laughter is the best medicine. So before you start your day of writing just read this and laugh at yourself. Give yourself a little happiness you deserve and feed your soul with a healthy remedy. Relieve your stress for a while by reading it.

Find humor in your own work and let that beauty embrace in your soul and then lift the pen and work on your next article.

1. When you start working on one article

When you have so many different ideas and you don't know which article to write, but as you start writing one piece ideas for another article start approaching, and then you start a second draft. It's like a two-way scene for an article.

Hooded Kermit the Frog faces regular Kermit the Frog

Photo By Lindsay Lovin Life

2. Face when you read your old writing

This is me at times. When we read our old writing, we are stunned by what we wrote, and other times we pat ourselves on the back. We don't believe that this piece of crap or the best article was written by us.

Scrunchy faced Kermit the Frog when he

Photo By Dankest Memes

3. When you get an idea while you sleep

I can totally relate to it — in the middle of the night when you are trying to sleep and then your mind suggests a wonderful idea. That idea doesn't let you sleep unless you write a little summary about it in one of your handbooks or Google notes. It's an idea that keeps us awake.

A four square cartoon with a sleeping person who wakes up wide eyed in the fourth box.

Photo By me.me

4. The thoughts in the shower

We get an ample amount of ideas while we shower but when it comes time to actually write it down we forget the main twist of the plot. This happens to me many times in the shower, I figure out the whole story in my mind but when it comes to writing it's boom. Other times I first go and grab the pen to write so that I can't forget.

A woman sits at a table face down,

Photo By writerswrite.co.za

5. Writing at night

I don't know for whom this works but for me when my mind suggests an idea at night, I literally write the whole article until my mind is satisfied and leave the editing work for in the morning. Sometimes the actual writing time doesn't work but the night takes the league.

The Drake meme contrasting


6. When it's time to edit

Editing is a real hero and it's the most difficult one. As you cut so many sentences, some are irrelevant, some don't make sense, and some you don't want to erase. It's difficult, yet the right path to the destination.

The Dumbledore meme where he says,

Photo By writerswrite.co.za

7. When you get new writing work

At times, you get writing work but you literally don't have any clue about the article, but you still make a promise to work on it and find out the history and geography of the article.

Liam Neeson on the phone in the film

Photo By quickmeme.com

8. Writers getting inspiration for its first draft

As we all start to write there comes a time when we go through so many different phases in our draft. At times we inspire ourselves, other times some other articles make us motivated, and finally, we left things to God or just post it and leave it.

Cartoon of writing a first draft. By the final draft the writer says,

Photo By me.me

9. When you come back to write after a long break

I started laughing when I saw this. It's hard to write after a long gap. It takes time to settle down on the same ground which we left behind — a true story for all writers out there.

A writer sits at a desk with a

Photo By me.me

10. When you judge your own writing

Has this happened to you?

For me, it has. I start reading my own words and realize it's total crap. What am I writing about? I hate my writing at times, and then the delete button comes into the picture.

A writer sits in front of a laptop and asks,

Photo By awwmemes.com

11. Writer life categorized by different people

This is so true. Everyone looks and judges us so differently and here we are just Googling everything before we submit our piece — keywords, SEO, headlines, quotes, and so many things.

The first five photos are what my friends, mum, society, publishers, and I think I do. What I actually do is a Google search.

Photo By memesmonkey.com

12. When you don't know what you are writing

Is that the same face you make, when you can't figure out your own words? I guess everyone will relate to this because even I do — the empty thoughts for our own writing.

Steve Carell in

Photo By Meme Generator

13. When you get a new idea

Here's a look you may have on your face when you get an idea for your new book or a blog post in the middle of the day, night, work, or breakfast. It's a funny face for the good heart and peaceful soul.

The Tobey Maguire smirk meme that says,

Photo By noreenlace.com

14. Suggestions from people for headlines

Here is a meme for when everyone is suggesting for you to spend more time on headlines. You start thinking more about your headlines and spend a little more time to make it perfect.

Jon Hamm sitting in his

Photo By Regan George Twitter

15. When you are inspired to write everything in your notebook

This is how a writer looks when they all of a sudden get an urge which makes them write all their thoughts so that they won't forget them. A motivational book starts to build finally.

God Lego having a sudden stroke of inspiration.

Photo By write-edit-rinse-repeat

16. When you don't want to delete the sentences you love

I know there are so many sentences that don't relate to the article at times but we don't want to delete them. We want to keep them and be happy with our own swag.

Photo By writerswrite.co.za

17. The time of viral articles

Viral articles are all about luck, but we write the best article and hope that it will go viral at its perfect time — no matter how long it takes.

Success Kid meme that says,

Photo by freelancewriting.com

Final Thoughts

I hope everyone who reads this can relate to it, as it is perfectly true. It's the truth of life we live in, and there is no shame in just laughing at our own thoughts. It's just a little treat for every soul to make them happy.


Source: https://bettermarketing.pub/17-funny-writer-memes-that-will-make-your-day-c0d63c43c95b

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